Category Archives: Other Stuff

A category for anything that doesn’t fit somewhere else.

Natural vs. Flash Follow-up: The Test Shoot

Last week I spent some time in my friends’ studio working on replicating a natural light scene with flash. Today, I was fortunate to have the photographers from Bold Sheep Photography do two shoots for me – one with natural … Continue reading

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A Simple Experiment of Natural Light vs. Flash

(The point of this write-up is not to take sides on the flash vs. natural light discussion or to pick on people who have a strong, nearly unflappable preference. It’s to point out that for the most part light is … Continue reading

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Force yourself to improve and expand your skillset. Try taking (or giving yourself) an assignment outside of your specialty.

My favorite subject has always been nature. The more tranquil and farther removed from anything touched by man the better. If you ever saw me with a camera in hand odds were that it wasn’t pointed at a person. I’ve … Continue reading

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